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Click on the topic that best fits what you’re wondering about and we’ll take you to posts in that category.

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Online Groups

First Steps

These posts focus on what abuse is, why change is worth it, and how to get started on your journey.

Questions answered:
  • Am I really abusive?
  • Can I save my relationship/family?
  • How much trouble am I in right now?
Online Groups

Problem Areas

Here we talk about how to handle difficult situations and how to stop specific behaviors that harm relationships.

Questions answered:
  • How do I stop doing _____?
  • How can I handle difficult situations better?
  • What do I do when my partner _____?
Hand frame

Think Differently

Changing behavior often comes down to our ability to think about circumstances differently. That’s what this category covers.

Questions answered:
  • How can I “make different choices”?
  • What beliefs are driving my actions?
  • How can I respond rather than react?

Root Causes

Taking a deeper dive into what drives bad behavior helps us learn how to heal and change from the inside out.

Questions answered:
  • Why am I like this?
  • What’s driving my behavior?
  • How do I make change permanent?
Online Groups

Relationship Skills

Relationships are hard. These posts center on ways to make yours close and loving and keep it that way.

Questions answered:
  • How can I improve my relationship?
  • How can I reduce conflict?
  • What role does boundaries play?
Online Groups

Communication Skills

Communication can be difficult and none of us ever master it, but this category can help you get better.

Questions answered:
  • How can I get my partner to listen?
  • Why do certain subjects lead to conflict?
  • How can I express myself better?
Online Groups

The Change Journey

Posts in this topic explain milestones and challenges in your change journey, including how to know when you’re ready for a relationship.

Questions answered:
  • What is the process of changing?
  • How do I know I’m better?
  • Am I safe to be in a relationship?
Faith-based domestic violence resources

Resources and Reviews

Wondering what other resources can help you on your journey? Here are recommendations for some of the most useful ones.

Questions answered:
  • What other resources are out there?
  • How can I get the most from counseling?
  • Are there books I should read?
Faith-based domestic violence resources

Domestic Violence and Us

Blog posts covering more about the causes and cures for domestic violence and the Ananias Foundation’s approach. 

Questions answered:
  • Why haven’t we stopped domestic violence?
  • Where’s the help for those who cause harm?
  • What is the Ananias Foundation’s approach?

Most Recent Posts

Permanent Behavior Change Requires Getting to the Root

Permanent behavior change requires us to get to the root of the problem: the thoughts creating the emotions driving our actions. Asking ourselves certain questions helps us uncover those core beliefs.

10 Best Books for Domestic Violence Perpetrators

Few books for domestic violence perpetrators exist, and many are not helpful. However, books can guide new behavior, open our eyes to better responses and supplement to other work we’re doing such as counseling. Here’s a list of 10 truly helpful ones.

Digging through hundreds of volumes to find a few relevant titles is a daunting process. To help, we’ve curated a list of the 10 best books for domestic violence perpetrators to aid their transformation.

Seeing Our Need for Change: A Look into the Johari Window

Often, we resist hearing things about ourselves that we don’t want to be true. By looking in the Johari window, we eliminate our blind spots, experience profound personal growth, all while improving closeness in our relationships.

Eight Reasons Your Partner May Not Recognize Change and How to Address Them

Even if your partner does not recognize change in your behavior, it doesn’t mean you’re not doing good work or making great strides. It simply means that they don’t see it or won’t admit it. Let your actions speak for themselves. You get to be the ultimate judge of you—don’t hand the power to define you to anyone else.

From Always Right to Open-Minded: Shedding Self-Righteousness for Better Relationships

Diane fired off another post on social media—this one poking fun at the “stupid, lazy people” who struggle to pay their bills. At the restaurant later that evening, she berated the wait staff for being “clueless about how to wait tables”. On the way home, she noted...