Relationship Skills

Keeping your relationship close and loving
Behavioral Activation – Feeling Better Without Pressuring Others

Behavioral Activation – Feeling Better Without Pressuring Others

Behavioral activation is taking specific actions that create positive emotions. These include behaviors that align with what’s important to us or activities that we enjoy. Doing things that align with our values, developing skills that we want to master, or spending time on pursuits that bring us pleasure all qualify as behavioral activation.

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Drawing a Line: Maintaining Healthy Relationship Boundaries

Drawing a Line: Maintaining Healthy Relationship Boundaries

I regularly hear questions like “What do I do when my partner is being difficult?” or “How do I make my spouse stop doing that?” Usually, they’re just looking to make their life easier—but if only it were that simple! The real answer to these questions lies in...

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De-escalating Arguments: Taking a Time-out During Conflict

De-escalating Arguments: Taking a Time-out During Conflict

In one of our group sessions, we were discussing taking a time-out during conflict. One participant said she heard this anger management technique is controversial. According to an article she read, time-outs were ineffective, could make matters worse, or be used as...

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Focus on Your Part to Resolve Conflict

Focus on Your Part to Resolve Conflict

Domestic violence incidents frequently happen during conflict. Therefore, finding ways to resolve conflict early, before it escalates, is important to those of us working to stop our harmful acts. Here’s something I’ve learned from experience: the best way to resolve...

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How Domestic Violence Affects Children

How Domestic Violence Affects Children

After I was arrested for domestic violence, I focused mostly on understanding how my actions were affecting my wife and my relationship with her. What I didn’t realize—and was stunned when I learned—was how my behavior was hurting my kids, too. I loved my children and...

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What to Do With a Difficult Partner

What to Do With a Difficult Partner

When I was arrested for domestic violence, I knew I’d done something wrong. But I also knew I was not the only one creating problems in our relationship. The fact that I was the only one in trouble and the only one expected to change didn’t seem fair. If you have a...

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Respectful Co-parenting After Separation or Divorce

Respectful Co-parenting After Separation or Divorce

Navigating separation, divorce, and child custody issues is stressful and often fraught with conflict. For those of us who have committed an act of domestic violence but are working to change, this stress and conflict are major challenges. The situation is ripe for...

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Making and Recovering from Relationship Mistakes

Making and Recovering from Relationship Mistakes

I blew it last Saturday. Well, actually I blew it several times last week. I was impatient with my wife, and she called me on it. I don’t know about you, but I can’t seem to avoid making relationship mistakes. Let me tell you about this one and then share some lessons...

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Accepting Other People’s Differences

Accepting Other People’s Differences

It's normal to wish that others were different than they are—usually we want them to be more like us. And, it is fine to try to influence them in kind, positive ways. Problems surface when we become self-righteous, angry, fault-finding, nagging, or otherwise try to...

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Good Relationship Essentials: Controlling Anger

Good Relationship Essentials: Controlling Anger

When my former wife confronted me about controlling anger, it made me angry! After all, anger is a normal human emotion, I argued. It was hard for me to see the way I was expressing my anger in our relationship was causing problems for others and me. Would others say...

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The Trouble with Mind Reading

The Trouble with Mind Reading

Can you read minds? Now you might be thinking, “What kind of question is that?” But if you’re anything like me, there have probably been times when you didn’t have all the information, yet you were sure that you knew what the other person was thinking. Last week, I...

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